API Reference
User Roles

User Roles

CAAS uses Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) technology to protect its endpoints. It provides security as it provides a simplification to restricting endpoints to users who have certain roles (or permissions)

Available Roles

The following roles are used by the service:

AdminMostly for the API itself and any dashboards that may come in the future to manage the overall system
CreateConsentsUsers with this role can create ConsentRequests
RequestConsentsUsers with this role can use ConsentRequestModels to send ConsentRequests to users
OrgUserRestricts elevation of privileges to Admins and would be the default setting for Enterprise accounts

Get the roles available to your user

Example Request

curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:3003/user/roles/v1/getRoles \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'

Example Response

		"id": "rol_8Z8L1mJBgE6vo1Mn",
		"name": "CreateConsents",
		"description": "Users with this role can create ConsentRequests"
		"id": "rol_CjrrzjExOXBd3bq4",
		"name": "RequestConsents",
		"description": "Users with this role can use ConsentRequestModels to send ConsentRequests to users"
		"id": "rol_nC8LU4dTm4YxBVUg",
		"name": "User",
		"description": "The end-user. This role allows one to view/accept and fulfill consents"

Elevate User Roles

Non-Org Users are able to elevate their profile to include the roles CreateConsents and RequestConsents once their email has been verified. In order to do this, they must call the following endpoint:


curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:3003/user/roles/v1/elevate \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'


If this succeeds, a 200 OK status code is returned.